Our Practitioners

Soul Work & Energy Medicine

Supports misunderstood psycho-spiritual passages, liberating life-force energy and reorganizing power in life-affirming ways.

Fiona Mayhill, B. Ed

Soul Passage Guide 

www.fionamayhill.com 250-415-8566

Reiki & Intuitive Healing

A unique treatment style that infuses of variety of energy healing and balancing techniques to support your body-mind, emotions and soul.

Hayley Clarke, RST

Holistic Medicine Practitioner & Reiki Master/Teacher

Acupuncture & TCM Therapeutic Massage

Most commonly used to treat pain, this modality is also frequently being used for overall wellness and stress management.

Jennifer Bentham, R. Ac

Registered Acupuncturist

www.acquaclinic.com 250-884-9565

Athletic Therapy

A unique approach to assessing and treating each individual’s aches and pains.

Stephanie Dempsey, B.E.S.S (A.T), CAT(C)

Certified Athletic Therapist

www.sdat.janeapp.com 250-217-2238

Psychological Treatment & Assessment for Adults

Improves cognitive and emotional skills, reduces mental health symptoms (e.g., low mood, anxiety) and improves coping and resiliency.

Dr. Deanndra Pimentel, PSY.D., R. PSYCH

Registered Psychologist

www.drpimentel.ca 778-676-8060

Being able to feel safe with other people is probably the single most important aspect of mental health; safe connections are fundamental to meaningful and satisfying lives .”

Bessel A. van der Kolk, The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma